Welcome to The Urban Motorhome

Thanks for stopping by my website, this runs along side my popular YouTube channel. I’m always adding new content on here like articles and how-to guides about Vanlife, living and travelling full-time in a motorhome, blog posts that go with my videos, pictures and food guides sharing the best places to eat great food!

Who Am I?

I’m Darran. I’m 36, originally from Essex, UK and I’ve been living full time in my Motorhome since April 2017. As the name suggests I park urban 99% of the time, parking in streets, industrial estates, car parks etc. Very rarely do I stay on campsites.

As you can imagine, over the last 6 years I’ve experienced and dealt with a lot. I want to share all that knowledge with the Motorhome & Vanlife Community so others can benefit from my experience. With the help of YouTube and this website, I plan to share everything I know and have learnt, as well as share my travels exploring the UK & Europe.

My Motorhome

I currently live in a 2009 Burstner Delfin, AKA the land yacht, based on a Renault Master chassis. I got it through Oaktree Motorhomes (who are an amazing family run dealer – if you’re in the market for a motorhome, definitely check them out). Those that have been following me for a while will remember I had my trusty Swift Sundance for the first 5 1/2 years of living full-time a motorhome. That has now gone on to my mate, the Sundance lives on!

I really don’t want to sound cliche but honestly there’s no other way of saying it, living in a motorhome is EPIC!

With that being said, I have modified my Motorhome quite a lot to make my life easier and more sustainable. Read more about my Motorhome & the modifications HERE.

Want to start wild camping in your motorhome?

How to Wild Camp in a Motorhome

Grab the Ultimate guide on how to start wild camping in your motorhome the right way without the fear of getting that dreaded knock during the night!

I boil 8 years and 3000+ parkups in to this easy to read guide that anyone can follow, I’m not great at much but when it comes to wild camping I know how to do it right.

I’ve NEVER had a knock on the door, not once in 8 years!

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